IDEI Biblio – ASP.NET online book store
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Project Description

IDEI Biblio is an academic ASP.NET Project for an online book store.

This is a project that implements an online book store and allows users to perform purchases. The company is called IDEI Biblio and is focused on the sale of books and magazines. This company is implemented in .NET.

One important goal of this project is to allow communication between projects that implement different technologies. Communication is done from .NET to PHP, but also the other way around, PHP to .NET.

Customers would have to be logged in, in order to perform purchases. The customer adds the selected products on to a cart. This cart is persistent, therefore even if the customer logs out, the information is kept until the next successful login. There is an Admin area that allows for product maintenance.

The company IDEI Biblio uses the companies LogisticaSA and ShippingAll for shipping the orders. They provide a web service that will return a price for the shipping depending on the package.

There is also a partnership with the company AnalisaMercados which will provide daily market analysis on the competition and supply with a list of products whose prices should be updated.

Technology Stack

The main company (IDEI Biblio) as well as LogisticaSA are implemented in .NET. These also use jQuery.

The ShippingAll and AnalisaMercados companies are implemented in PHP.

The webservices use the SOAP protocol.


Link for theĀ Github Repo


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